Essential Personnel Program

Florida Atlantic University's Essential Personnel program is managed by the Department of Human Resources. For more information on the Essential Personnel program, please visit the Department of Human Resources Department's webiste

Non-FAU Essential Personnel Program

The non-FAU Essential Personnel program is managed by the Department of Emergency Management. Non-FAU Essential Personnel are indiviuals who perform critical operations, functions, and tasks for the University, but are employed through an outside vendor and/or contract service providers. This may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Food and Dining Services
  • Postal Services
  • Grounds Maintenance

All University Units that oversee and/or manage the contracts for such services are responsible for ensuring that non-FAU Essential Personnel information is up-to-date.

A list of personnel will be provided to FAU Police Department for access control purposes. All non-FAU Essential Personnel will need to present a current, active form of identidication, such as a driver's license to gain access to FAU's sites and campuses.

An awareness training and overview has been created and may be shared and used in training/presentation with Non-FAU Essential Personnel. Service providers must ensure their personnel are ready and able to provide contracted services during a suspension of normal operations.

To update contact information, remove individuals from the program, or add non-FAU Employees to the program , please utilize the Non-FAU Essential Personnel Form. Forms that are not fully completed, will not be accepted. 

What does it mean to be a non-FAU employee Essential person?
Non-FAU Essential personnel are personnel who perform critical operations, functions, and tasks for the University but are employed through contract service providers and/or outside vendor. Examples include:

• Food and Dining Services
• Postal Services
• Grounds Maintenance
• Residential and Housing Facilities Maintenance
What prompts a Suspension of Normal Operations?
The severity of impact of an emergency event to:
  • Life safety 
  • Respources: Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR)
  • The basic operating environment, academic, research, business and other essential services and functions, including necessary dependencies
  • The environment
  • The University’s financial state of affairs or economy
  • Regulatory/legal/accreditation requirements and contractual obligations
How would I gain access to Campus if I am recalled?
Should an incident present itself where these are warranted, the Department of  Emergency Management will provide incident-specific letters to the appropriate College/Division/Unit for distribution to approved Non-FAU Essential personnel.

To gain access to campus, non-FAU Essential personnel need to present the letter mentioned above and a valid I.D. from the place of employment. FAU Police Department will have a list of those who are in the non-FAU Essential Program.


Questions regarding the non-FAU Essential Personnel Program should be directed to the Department of Emergency Management at



For all EMERGENCY CALLS dial 9-1-1


Contact Us

Campus Operations Building
(69) Boca Raton Campus
